Netflix and Disney-ABC | Google TV Competitor

Movie-streaming service, announced a license agreement with Netflix, the Disney ABC TV network to build a library of online TV providers. In the agreement there are some streaming shows and movies such as "Ugly Betty" and "Desperate Housewives."

According to analysts, Netflix will access a major threat to the primary source of television. Netflix has said a deal with the programmer
US$ 1 Billion contract with MGM, Lionsgate and Paramount made them stand together when streaming movies in theaters.

Customers monthly Internet Streaming Netflix membership, which is in direct competition with cable and satellite TV services have free access to several movies and shows. But first not more than 15 days after exposure.

competition to deliver video over the Internet, pitted newcomers such as Google TV, Apple TV and Hulu with telecommunications and satellite services, which for years have an important source of access to television.

Report from the Hollywood Reporter said, Time Warner CEO Jeff Bewkes derogatory messages. He does not consider the content creators want to take an offer with low fees. "Aggregation of low price is not useful for content creators and consumers".

The agreement between Netflix and Disney-ABC contains the latest episode of "Grey's Anatomy," "Desperate Housewives" and "Brothers & Sisters". Each episode of "Lost" and "Ugly Betty" will also be included. Disney Channel shows like "Phineas and Ferb" will also Netflix streaming broadcast to the user.


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